Weigh-in Day results, another busy week, and an unexpected breakthrough

Yesterday, I was at the diner I frequent for lunch. I decided to get this egg and cheese scrambler, which is scrambled egg, cheddar, sausage, peppers, onions, and broccoli in a wrap. It usually comes with potatoes but I got it with apple slices. The guy that served it to me said, "Ah, we are going healthy today, eh?" He didn't mean anything negative about this. But it's funny because this meal is now quite unhealthy in my life. A month and a half ago, I probably would have had a similar reaction to his, but now I know I must be careful about processed carbs.

I weighed in this morning. I am 230lb exactly. This means I'm down 0.2lb this week. I guess it's better than gaining, but I would be lying if I said I wasn't disappointed. I am hoping it is just my upcoming period that is making me retain water. But I also know I could be eating cleaner. So that is my goal this week: eat healthier. 

I forgot to finish the blog yesterday (Thursday) so this will apparently be a 2-day post. I am sore. Mostly my back from chores for 2 barns and a dog. This week has been long and full of heavy lifting at the Drafts. My thoracic spine has been bothering me, and regardless of regular chiropractic adjustments, they just don't stick.  It will be nice when I can have a day off, but since school starts next week, I am unsure when that'll be. I am both excited and nervous to start school again. Although I only have 3 classes, 2 of them have labs that are considered separate. And they are 3 of my worst subjects: math, chemistry, and biology. 

I'm pretty sure I am becoming a regular at my local diner. It's both nice to know people and kind of embarrassing lol. Even though I have been eating kinda crappy today (nothing HORRIBLE, but not clean), I really want that wrap I had 2 days ago. There is a distinct possibility I'm getting it again today and having a salad for dinner.

I'm noticing a little bit of weight loss in my face near my jawline. Nothing major, but something is different. Other people have said my waist is narrowing. I am feeling less guilt about riding Seamus regularly, especially since I have a saddle that fits. He's also not as wiggly when I am about to get on, presumably because he's not anticipating any discomfort, which is encouraging. 

This is around 6 hours later. It's 10PM now. The last few paragraphs were written at my late lunch around 3. Seamus was incredible tonight. Super quiet and overall just such a good kiddo. I am so proud of how he went tonight. I wrote about it on Instagram and Facebook, so I won't get into details about it, but it is safe to say that this was the best he has ever been with me. I'm just hoping he continues to show this side of himself under saddle, because it's very refreshing. The draft barn was another late night, but there wasn't as much heavy lifting, just a lot of raking and scrubbing. Tomorrow will be one of those big hay loading days into the feeder though, so I'm hoping it won't be too humid, and that my ankles/back won't give me too much trouble.

Tonight, I'm not hungry for dinner, but am going to make a chicken Caesar salad to try to get something in me. I replaced my granola jar with mixed almonds and walnuts so I am hoping that will satisfy the need for something crunchy in my breakfast without so many carbs/sugars. I also have stopped putting honey or agave nectar in my yogurts because I don't need them. My coffees are also without sweetener most of the time now too.

I accidentally double booked myself this Sunday. I feel terrible to the two people who are counting on me, so I am making it work, but it'll be a long day. And because of one of those commitments, I am missing my grandma's 92nd birthday dinner. Maybe I'll sneak out again that night after all and at least make an appearance. We'll see what I can swing.
