A mixed bag and a sore back.
Tonight is going to be kind of a mix between my health life and my horse life. I guess, in a way, it is one and the same.
Last night, my spine was really hurting. Not only my actual spine, but all of the muscles of my back. It was at the point where I was YouTube searching how to crack my own back. (It didn't work.) I had some KT tape laying around, so I put 4 strips, one on either side of my spine from my neck down to my SI joints. I was pleasantly surprised at how much better that made it, and it helped throughout the day. But the placement was a little shotty and there were a few ripples in it because, let me tell you, it's hard to place tape behind your back no your own shoulder blades. They started peeling off after the shower, so I have to do it again tonight. You place the Kinesiology tape by stretching out whatever part of the body you need the tape on, i.e., ankle, calf, spine, etc. so that when you're in neutral position, the tape will coil back to its original, unstretched state. This lifts the skin from the muscle enough to activate blood flow and edema (swelling or water) drainage to the areas of injury. It also allows more space and takes the pressure off of the swollen or strained muscles. So basically, apparently my actual spine isn't the sole problem, but my muscles in my thoracic region.
Ok, enough medical talk. I had both barns again today, so my day started at 7:30AM at my own barn to feed, turn out, muck, etc. I then had to run to the feed store about 20 minutes away for grain and limestone dust, which we use to dry up the urine spots in the stalls so no ammonia affects the horses or humans. I got back to the barn no later than 40 minutes, and while I was in the grain stall, I see a big brown streak and the thunder of hooves. This can't be good. Our oldest horse somehow escaped, and he was running full speed ahead. I was alone. I had just been refreshing a bin of treats, so my hands smelled like apples. I found him in a small alleyway of grass that leads to Seamus's paddock, and he was obviously freaked out and ready to bolt again, but I approached quietly and crooned to him, and luckily it paid off as he sniffed and licked my hands. I grabbed him by the fly mask, and thankfully he was a good kid and came along. Just as I put him in his stall, his owner pulled in. Apparently the barn owner's husband called 20 minutes earlier and said he tried to catch him but he couldn't get near him. So within the 40 minutes I was gone, this happens. Thank goodness for hands that smell like treats and a gentle horse. He is fine and nobody was hurt in the making of this fiasco. Apparently, he had knocked one of his electric tape posts down and got through that way.
I rode Seamus briefly. He was good! We are having slight issues with the trial saddle. It is too wide of a tree (for those non-horsey people, the frame of the saddle is too wide for him, and the channel along the bottom that is supposed to keep weight off of the spine is too low) , so we are using a shim half pad with it just for trial purposes. But the seat is deeper than I am used to and although it's incredibly comfortable, it has the tendency to prop me back further than I'd like. This is a minor issue though. But there is also a dry spot (this could be an indication that the saddle doesn't lay evenly on him, thus not distributing weight as effectively) behind his scapula. We are unsure whether or not this is due to this just not being the best saddle for him, or if it has to do with having the shim pad. When I take out one of the inserts, it sits too low on his withers, so it's a double edged sword. We'll see, but we might have to start back at square one.
My breakfast consisted of my usual plain Greek yogurt (8g) , berries (4g), and this time, I had chopped nuts instead of granola. This cut my carb count down by at least 10g. While out, I got a packet of Honey Roasted peanuts, which are around 7 net carbs. I was a little hungry when I got home around 11, so I had a roll with peanut butter (~10g). I also had 2 Emmy's organic cookies, which adds up to 12g carbs. I had a salad at 4 because I knew if I didn't eat, I'd get hungry. I got home and had one more cookie of 6g, 3 eggs (3g) a roll (~4g), with cream cheese (6g). Altogether, it comes to 60g of carbs. I feel like I'm missing something, but that's my best estimate. I also feel like I ate a LOT more carbs than that. Interesting. Aunt Flo is officially in town, so I'm hoping that helps with my weight fluctuation.
I'm off to tape up my back yet again. Until tomorrow! (Or whenever something reasonably interesting to write about shows up.
Last night, my spine was really hurting. Not only my actual spine, but all of the muscles of my back. It was at the point where I was YouTube searching how to crack my own back. (It didn't work.) I had some KT tape laying around, so I put 4 strips, one on either side of my spine from my neck down to my SI joints. I was pleasantly surprised at how much better that made it, and it helped throughout the day. But the placement was a little shotty and there were a few ripples in it because, let me tell you, it's hard to place tape behind your back no your own shoulder blades. They started peeling off after the shower, so I have to do it again tonight. You place the Kinesiology tape by stretching out whatever part of the body you need the tape on, i.e., ankle, calf, spine, etc. so that when you're in neutral position, the tape will coil back to its original, unstretched state. This lifts the skin from the muscle enough to activate blood flow and edema (swelling or water) drainage to the areas of injury. It also allows more space and takes the pressure off of the swollen or strained muscles. So basically, apparently my actual spine isn't the sole problem, but my muscles in my thoracic region.
Ok, enough medical talk. I had both barns again today, so my day started at 7:30AM at my own barn to feed, turn out, muck, etc. I then had to run to the feed store about 20 minutes away for grain and limestone dust, which we use to dry up the urine spots in the stalls so no ammonia affects the horses or humans. I got back to the barn no later than 40 minutes, and while I was in the grain stall, I see a big brown streak and the thunder of hooves. This can't be good. Our oldest horse somehow escaped, and he was running full speed ahead. I was alone. I had just been refreshing a bin of treats, so my hands smelled like apples. I found him in a small alleyway of grass that leads to Seamus's paddock, and he was obviously freaked out and ready to bolt again, but I approached quietly and crooned to him, and luckily it paid off as he sniffed and licked my hands. I grabbed him by the fly mask, and thankfully he was a good kid and came along. Just as I put him in his stall, his owner pulled in. Apparently the barn owner's husband called 20 minutes earlier and said he tried to catch him but he couldn't get near him. So within the 40 minutes I was gone, this happens. Thank goodness for hands that smell like treats and a gentle horse. He is fine and nobody was hurt in the making of this fiasco. Apparently, he had knocked one of his electric tape posts down and got through that way.
I rode Seamus briefly. He was good! We are having slight issues with the trial saddle. It is too wide of a tree (for those non-horsey people, the frame of the saddle is too wide for him, and the channel along the bottom that is supposed to keep weight off of the spine is too low) , so we are using a shim half pad with it just for trial purposes. But the seat is deeper than I am used to and although it's incredibly comfortable, it has the tendency to prop me back further than I'd like. This is a minor issue though. But there is also a dry spot (this could be an indication that the saddle doesn't lay evenly on him, thus not distributing weight as effectively) behind his scapula. We are unsure whether or not this is due to this just not being the best saddle for him, or if it has to do with having the shim pad. When I take out one of the inserts, it sits too low on his withers, so it's a double edged sword. We'll see, but we might have to start back at square one.
My breakfast consisted of my usual plain Greek yogurt (8g) , berries (4g), and this time, I had chopped nuts instead of granola. This cut my carb count down by at least 10g. While out, I got a packet of Honey Roasted peanuts, which are around 7 net carbs. I was a little hungry when I got home around 11, so I had a roll with peanut butter (~10g). I also had 2 Emmy's organic cookies, which adds up to 12g carbs. I had a salad at 4 because I knew if I didn't eat, I'd get hungry. I got home and had one more cookie of 6g, 3 eggs (3g) a roll (~4g), with cream cheese (6g). Altogether, it comes to 60g of carbs. I feel like I'm missing something, but that's my best estimate. I also feel like I ate a LOT more carbs than that. Interesting. Aunt Flo is officially in town, so I'm hoping that helps with my weight fluctuation.
I'm off to tape up my back yet again. Until tomorrow! (Or whenever something reasonably interesting to write about shows up.
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