New York, New York
I am in New York for a few days seeing two of my favorite people in their broadway shows. But this is also the first time I am completely out of my comfort zone in terms of my new diet. I am unable to carry string cheese around just in case I get hungry, don't have my low carb pasta and will have to rely mostly on salads and lean protein. I've packed apples, carrot sticks, and packets of peanut butter but other than that, I'm floating solo. I am currently sitting in the Imperial theater waiting for the show to start, but I decided to stage door beforehand and wasn't able to find a place with lunch before heading to the show. The usual hole in the wall pizza joint I've relied heavily on in the past is out of the question, so I ended up getting a package of peanuts and a Diet Coke for my lunch at the bar of the theater. It'll do the trick to stem hunger until after the show at least. Of course my hotel is connected to a place literally called Sugar Factory. Needless to say, I am staying away from that shit lol.
Luckily, the show will get outaround 5:30 or so, which gives me plenty of time to find a reasonably priced, low carb dinner. I am in the heart of Broadway and adjacent to Times Square. Right now I'm craving pasta, pizza and any of the white carbs I can get my paws on. But so far, my willpower is winning out. I can't start from square one again. I am determined not to. That is what will help me resist.
It is now 8:30, and I am sitting in my hotel room, chowing down on an amazing healthy burrito bowl of sorts. I forgot just how accommodating NYC is with alternative diets. I was able to find a Mexican place that has healthy options. Mine was quinoa, steak, green pepper, chipotle sauce, queso sauce, guacamole, and black beans.

Mentally, I'm as good as I can be under the circumstances. I am dealing. It isn't the best, isn't the worst I've dealt with. The good news is I am distracted. And I was able to meet and talk with one of my favorite people and musical artists,Ingrid Michaelson . She listened as I told her about how I have been a fan since I was 12 years old and how one of her songs hit home for me in regards to how it feels to live with anxiety and depression. She emulates kindness, grace, humility, and hilarity. I thanked her for her music and for being who she is. I was able to get everything off my chest that I have wanted to tell her for many years, and she listened intently, kept her hand on my arm until my wobbly voice was done telling my story, and hugged me. I apologized for being so gross because it was muggy out. She scoffed and said she is gross too and proceeded to wrap her arms around my shoulders. It was so nice.
Luckily, the show will get out
It is now 8:30, and I am sitting in my hotel room, chowing down on an amazing healthy burrito bowl of sorts. I forgot just how accommodating NYC is with alternative diets. I was able to find a Mexican place that has healthy options. Mine was quinoa, steak, green pepper, chipotle sauce, queso sauce, guacamole, and black beans.
Mentally, I'm as good as I can be under the circumstances. I am dealing. It isn't the best, isn't the worst I've dealt with. The good news is I am distracted. And I was able to meet and talk with one of my favorite people and musical artists,
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