Day 6

Today started with another cup of plain Greek yogurt, strawberries, and one half a of banana. That filled me up for a few hours, and now I am snacking on some string cheese and pepperoni. I am slowly learning which snacks to grab and which to avoid unless I really feel it is necessary. For example, I love my fruit, but don't want to load up on sugars, even accidentally, and go over my carb/sugar intake limit.

I have decided to seek out help from a professional, and am waiting to hear back from the dietitian. Along with that, I am calling the endocrine doctor to clear up some general questions I have. I am not sure whether or not to count total carbs or net carbs. Do I add up the sugar and carb amount? Should I count them separately?

Overall, I am feeling much more normal. No headaches or obvious withdrawal symptoms. I think the biggest obstacle I am facing, other than just trying to do it right, is the upped anxiety levels.

I am not supposed to weigh myself more than once a week. At this point, it is compulsive. Official check-in day is tomorrow, but it looks like I am down 5 pounds.

Today is a draft barn night and then I am going to attempt to ride the silly yellow pony, depending on how he does in the round pen.
