
Showing posts from December, 2017

'tis the season for health anxiety and good revelations. (And a weight update)

Well, friends, it's been a tough month. Riddled with anxiety/stress. I have to move homes again, but the last place fell through and I already told my landlord I was moving, so I am under pressure to find a place fast. I have school, which I am letting slip. I can feel it, but I do nothing about it. This semester is SO close to being over. I just need to get past this. Then I continued to lose weight without trying and I got scared. Hypochondria took hold deep within my gut, and I convinced myself something fatal was wrong with me. I was eating donut holes and pizza and still losing weight. I made a doctor's appointment but it was 5 days away. I sat in a depressive slide where I let my chores and even hygiene (hair washing, nothing gross) go longer than I should. I got an extension for math and still did nothing about it. I have a retake for a Chemistry test, and I watched Netflix. It's like my ambition shut down. Everything shut down except that clench in my chest and hype...